See your clients relaxed with less stress and anxiety.

With The Guide for Massage Therapists framework, you’ll be filled with peace and gratitude as you provide stress and anxiety reduction for your clients--even if you’re new to gentle-touch massage. 

This course establishes the foundation for a holistic approach to non-medical comfort care, and through this work, you’ll develop the confidence and tools you need to address your client's physical and emotional needs.

Let me know if this sounds familiar.

You'd LOVE to provide rest, comfort and relaxation for your clients who are ill...

The reality is

… every time you think, now is the time to learn this new modality, your mind goes into overload.

  • How can simple touch make that much difference anyway?

  • I'm not sure I have what it takes to be with those who are so sick or might die.

  • I've been doing deep tissue massage for so long, not sure I can adjust my pressure for someone who is frail.

  • I'm really not sure, what if I make them worse?

You’d like to be with them… and you’d like the opportunity to see them relaxed and calm.

You’re willing to do the work, but you need a guide – a way to figure this out and start providing comfort, rest and relaxation that doesn’t require months of training.

How would it feel to:

  • Learn how to adapt what you already know - one stroke at a time? The strokes accumulate one by one. They’ll come together as a choreographed dance. One that will find its own tempo and rhythm depending on you, the giver and your client, the receiver.

  • Let go of the need for perfection? Simple touch is powerful-no perfection needed. You’ll be re-writing the story to include comfort and relaxation in no time.

  • Confidently share your touch with those who are hurting physically and emotionally? You’ll surprise them, and maybe yourself, with your new-found confidence to simply “be there” for others and provide meaningful gentle-touch massage.

It is possible to provide a safe, effective gentle-touch massage for your client who is ill... but it requires doing things differently.

Here's how it works:

  • Three Basic Massage Strokes give you everything you need to provide comfort, rest, and relaxation for your clients. The shorter, slower, softer methodology ensures a SAFE massage. 


  • Prop and Bolster examples are the equivalent of a massage therapy coach on your shoulder showing you how to use items you already have, to make your clients comfortable—no matter where they spend their time – bed, wheelchair, or recliner.


  • Mindset Mechanics are woven into the Guide for Massage Therapist lessons allowing you to listen not only with your ears, but with your heart and hands. You’ll learn a holistic approach to non-medical comfort care allowing you to deepen relationships while realizing and appreciating more love and compassion for the person you are touching.

What students say:

“The course is laid out so well. It moves in very do-able chunks with important information given in each section. It is very clear, and I love both the knowledge aspect as well as the video aspect which helps with the learning. It is giving me more confidence in my ability to do this work.”



“I very much enjoyed the course. It was a great review for working with delicate clients. The course was well organized. I really liked the hands-on demonstrations for greater clarification of sequence, pressure, stroke.”



“Truly appreciate your emphasis on touch. I did what you said and held a hand while we talked and hugged for a longer time. This was with 3 different people--1 in the hospital. As you said, the gestures were definitely well received. So I am grateful for your sharing your knowledge and experience. ”



Meet the creator of A Guide for Massage Therapists framework:

Hi, I’m Susan Gee, and I’ve completed thousands of massages since I started in 2007. 


It took me a while to become a confident therapist for those with advanced illness and at the end-of- life. After years of training, I realize touch is simple. Touch is a basic human need and belongs to everyone.  

We tend to overthink it and make it difficult. Getting to the basics of simple touch along with the basics of presence – really being there for another – allows me to approach someone with advanced illness with a relaxed demeanor and confidence in my skill to touch them using safe, effective gentle-touch massage. I call it a holistic approach to non-medical comfort care.

And that’s why I developed the Guide for Massage Therapists framework, so that people like you, with clients and patients who are hurting, can feel confident in touching them using simple massage strokes and mindset prompts that allow you to develop your own rhythm and pace that’s designed for you and your person.

Course begins immediately upon purchase. You get 365-day access along with ongoing support in a private Facebook Community.

Massage Like a Pro with A Guide for Massage Therapists

Here's what's inside
A Guide for Massage Therapists:

Lesson 1: Benefits of Gentle-Massage

As a therapist, you understand the relaxing benefits.
But WHY do you feel relaxed following a massage?
What’s happening to the body, to the giver and to the receiver?
(Length of Video - 9 min)

You will:

  • Understand the dynamics of why massage promotes relaxation for your client AND for you.

  • Learn why massage can provide the perfect combination for healing to begin. The body needs deep rest to heal.

  • Strengthen your relationship and communication with your client. Sometimes touch is more powerful than words.

Lesson 2: Safety and Precautions

Take the fear out of touching someone with advanced illness.
(Length of Video-10 min)

You will:

  • Be able to say yes, anyone who wants to receive massage, can receive massage. You’ll learn how to shift the way you think about massage for someone who is ill.

  • Learn how to safely work around medical devices such a port, PICC line or IV. We’ll focus on what CAN be massaged instead of the areas that can’t.

  • Determine if physician permission is needed prior to massaging someone with medical concerns.

Lesson 3: The Tools You'll Need

Gather the tools – many of which you already have on hand.
(Length of Video- 16 min)

You will:

  • Learn the most important tool you’ll need when providing gentle-touch massage for someone who is ill… it might surprise you.

  • Be confident is using your favortie oil, lotion or creme with this population.

  • Become proficient in ways to speak to your client while allowing them to remain in control of the session.

Lesson 4. Prop and Bolster

See pain scores reduce, just by getting someone comfortable.
(Length of Video - 9 min)

You will:

  • Create a calm oasis using things you already have in home or care facility.

  • Become skilled in how to prop and bolster your client no matter where they like to spend their time… bed, wheelchair, recliner.

  • Understand how to provide massage wherever your client prefers to be. No massage table needed.

  • Learn to be aware of body mechanics. Become comfortable makng adjustments to keep yourself injury free while extending the life of your career with this gentle modality.

Lesson 5. Communication – Preparing the Giver and Receiver

Spoken and Unspoken cues are everywhere.
(Length of Videos - 14 min)

You will:

  • Learn how to communicate at a deeper level. Sometimes no words needed.

  • Deepen your understanding of presence – the ability to “be there” for another person. Learn how this inner work will benefit you and your client.

  • Learn how to become the “Calm One in the Room” no matter what kind of confusion or chaos is happening around you.

Lesson 6. Shorter, Slower, Softer

The original framework.
(Length of Videos - 15 min)

You will:

  • Understand why and how to adjust pressure for those who are ill.

  • Learn the Shorter, Slower, Softer framework so you can provide a SAFE massage.

  • Master the full-hand-contact method. When you use the full surface of your hand you convey warmth, comfort, and fullness in your strokes.

Lesson 7. Learn the Strokes.

Ready to get started?
(Length of Videos - 9 min)

You will:

  • Learn how to modify 3 basic massage strokes:

    o Effleurage – long, flowing stroke
    o Petrissage – kneading stroke
    o Holds – holds directly on the skin or over clothing/linens

  • Watch as I demonstrate each stroke on a model.

  • Practice each stroke on yourself as you watch me practice.

Lesson 8. Hand and Arm Protocol

Protocol variations.
(Length of Videos - 29 min)

You will:

  • Watch as I demonstrate how to massage the arm using the strokes you just learned.

  • Learn 3 different protocols for massaging the arm based on preference and medical devices.

  • Understand why simple “holds” are effective.

Lesson 9. Foot Protocol

One of the safest places to massage if your person is mobile.
(Length of Video - 10 min)

You will:

  • Watch as I demonstrate how to massage the feet using the strokes you just learned.

  • Learn why massaging the feet is almost always safe – even if someone is ill.

  • Be encouraged to find your own pace, tempo and rhythm for the massage.

Course begins immediately upon purchase. You get 365-day access along with ongoing support in a private Facebook Community.

Massage Like a Pro with A Guide for Massage Therapists

The 7-Day, Do-the-Work, Risk-Free Guide for Massage Therapists Guarantee

I am passionate about working with you to grow your skills so that you are confident to provide gentle-touch massage, and I want to make it as easy as possible for you to give this offer a resounding “yes!”

Enter the Guide for Massage Therapists No-Questions-Asked 7-Day Guarantee. If you complete 90% of the work and find that you don’t have the insight, clarity and skill to become a confident giver of massage, you’ve got 7 days to ask for a refund.

Send us the reasons why this course was not a good fit for you, including what you did not get that you expected via email to [email protected] and we will process your refund ASAP.

You’ve got nothing to lose… except maybe a stressed-out client!

This course comes with a “7-DAY, DO-THE-WORK” money-back guarantee.

Digital Course: A Guide for Massage Therapists: How to Provide Gentle-Touch Massage in Home or Care Facility:
• Digital course available for (1) one-year from date of purchase.
• Full refund within 7-days of purchase and viewing of 90% of each lesson.

If despite your earnest efforts, we fail to deliver, then you deserve your money back.

The questions would-be “givers-of-massage” ask before enrolling in A Guide for Massage Therapists

  • I would love to do this, but I’m already overloaded and overstretched. Can I really do it?

    Yes, you can! The course will only take 3 hours to complete. The short video lessons give you detailed information about everything you need to provide gentle-touch massage. And they give you examples and time to practice each stroke. You can view the course in the morning and provide a gentle-touch massage in the afternoon.

  • My patient is SO sick. I'm afraid of making them worse.

    This is one of the main reasons I created this course. Many are afraid to touch others who are ill and that breaks my heart. I understand the fear. But, once you learn the skill, confidence follows.

    This course includes Safety and Precautions AND the Shorter, Slower, Softer framework. Shorter sessions, Slower speed of strokes and Softer pressure.

  • I've been doing deep tissue massage for a long time! Can I really learn to use gentle pressure?

    My answer is YES!
    If you have the desire to work with those who are ill, you're halfway there. You'll learn how to modify what you already know to accommodate the sick and frail. It's like all new skills, it takes practice.

  • What kind of support do you offer with the course?

    I am here for you. I want to support and help you along your journey. I am available by email and questions are answered and support given in my private Facebook Community.

  • There is no way my clients could get on a massage table, or lay flat.

    It takes energy to transfer from wheelchair to bed or wheelchair to recliner. We don’t want to ask our patient to use energy that could be saved for a family visit or outing. Massage is provided wherever they prefer to be.

    Lesson 4, Prop and Bolster will teach you how to get your patient comfortable in a hospital bed, wheelchair or recliner using things you already have at home or care facility... no massage table needed.

  • I've been considering a more gentle approach to massage because my body hurts from years of doing this work. Do you find it has reduced work-related injury and stress on your body?

    This gentle approach to massage definitiely reduces stress on the therapists body.

    I've been able to continue my career and put less demand on my own body. I hope to continue this work for many more years.

Still not sure if
A Guide for Massage Therapists
is right for you?

Check off 5 or more of these and come on in!

  • You're super eager to add this gentle modality to your tool box and add years to your career life!

  • You’re looking for a way to connect with your patient on a deeper level. A way to communicate that benefits both you and your patient.

  • You’ve just started to consider gentle-touch massage as a means of providing care for your patient and want to make sure you do it right from the get-go by using a step-by-step process that helps you understand how this holistic approach all comes together.

  • You’re an experienced therapist who knows how to provide great care for your patients but want to take your skills to the next level. You want to show love and compassion using gentle-touch massage AND to understand the greater impact you can have.

  • You’re willing to dive into the 9-lesson process with a curious mind and open heart. You’re willing to put in the time to develop your own rhythm and pace.

  • You’re working hard to develop your skills to see your patient stress and anxiety free. It would be immensely rewarding to see the impact you could have by adding simple touch to your tool belt.

  • You’re relieved to have a step-by-step process for allowing your patient to rest and relax, and happy that you can completes it in an afternoon.

  • Your license will expire soon and you need Continuing Ed hours.

  • You’re ready to put any past missteps behind you and joyfully commit to a way that will bring rest, comfort and peace to you AND your patient.

  • You're ready to learn a modality that will allow your body to rest as you work.

Course curriculum

  • 01

    Welcome to the course!

    • Intro - A message from your instructor

    • Important Info Before You Begin


    • How to Use This Course


  • 02

    Lesson 1: Benefits of Gentle Massage

    • Benefits of Gentle-Touch Massage

  • 03

    Lesson 2: Safety and Precautions

    • Safety and Precautions

    • Hand Washing Protocol

    • Permission from Physician - Checklist

  • 04

    Lesson 3: The Tools You'll Need

    • The Tools You'll Need

    • The Tools You'll Need Checklist

    • Test Yourself: Lessons 1-3 Exam

  • 05

    Lesson 4: Prop and Bolster - Positioning for Home and Care Facility

    • Positioning - Prop and Bolster for Home and Care Facility

  • 06

    Lesson 5: Communication - Preparing the Giver and Receiver

    • Communication

    • Attribute Worksheet

    • Be the Calm One in the Room

  • 07

    Lesson 6: Shorter, Slower, Softer

    • Shorter, Slower, Softer

    • Example of SLOWER

    • Assessment Worksheet Instruction

    • Assessment Worksheet

    • Test Yourself: Lessons 4-6 Exam

  • 08

    Lesson 7: Massage Strokes

    • Massage Strokes Checklist

    • Lesson 7 - Massage Stroke Modifications

    • Session Goals Video

    • 7A-Effleaurage/Long Stroke - Sample Video

    • 7A-Effleurage/Long Stroke Practice Video

    • 7B-Petrissage/Kneading Stroke - Sample Video

    • 7B-Petrissage/Kneading Practice

    • 7C-Petrissage-Thumb/Finger Circles - Sample Video

    • 7C-Petrissage-Thumb/Finger Circles Practice Video

    • 7D-Range of Motion (ROM) - Sample Video

    • 7D-Range of Motion, Fist Glide Practice Video

    • 7E-Petrissage-Milking Technique - Sample Video

    • 7F-Holds - Sample Video

  • 09

    Lesson 8: Hand and Arm Protocol

    • Intro to Variations for Arm and Hand Massage

    • VARIATION 1 - Strokes in both directions

    • VARIATION 2 - Strokes in one direction; toward the heart

    • VARIATION 3 - No bend in arm at elbow

  • 10

    Lesson 9: Foot Protocol

    • Foot Protocol

    • Test Yourself: Lessons 7-9 Exam

    • May Your Journey be Heart-Centered

This course is approved for 3 CE hours by the National Certification Board of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB). Approved Provider #1146.

Continuing Ed Hours

You will receive 3 CE hours for this course by completing the course and passing the test.  Only the original purchaser of the course is eligible to obtain CE hours by taking the test.

Check with your state board, certification organization or appropriate regulatory authority to determine if you can use the CE hours from this course for licensing or certification purposes.

Certificate of Completion will be forwarded by email. 

Your mission to provide comfort, rest and relaxation for your patient is important, and I thank you for your courage and commitment to this work.

Sometimes it’s not easy. I know caring for others is hard and it often feels impossible to complete all the tasks required of you.

You worry that you’ll never get this work done – or that your work won’t be appreciated.

I personally believe it’s time to rewrite that belief and let your efforts shine in the way they were meant to.

Your patient deserves rest, relaxation, and comfort. Most importantly, YOU deserve this.

I’m SO appreciative of your trust in me, and sincerely hope we get the chance to meet inside
A Guide for Massage Therapists.


Course begins immediately upon purchase. You get 365-day access along with ongoing support in a private Facebook Community.

Massage Like a Pro with A Guide for Massage Therapists